Reflection: Midterm - Minority Group: Bisexuals I wrote a three-page long MLA paper on the bi-sexual (LGBT) minority for our midterm paper. For this, we had to find Legislature on the subject, which at first was a challenge, because there isn’t much legislature done on the bisexual community explicitly, however this minority group has been rolled up with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community. This assignment taught me to look at different points of views when you aren’t finding the information you are looking for, and it also introduced me to the way the Judicial court works. Having a minority group that doesn’t have much legislative information on its own standing posed a challenge. At the beginning of the assignment, I was solely looking for bisexual legislature, and kept coming up empty-handed. I finally decided to think about what legislature impacted people from that community – in this case it was LGBTQ community. I was able to find more legislative information once I thought outside the box instead of trying to stick with my rigid close-minded research. When writing about the court cases, and verdicts, I sat through the hearings of the judicial branch. This was so informative in the way that the supreme judges think, how they weigh information, how they question the reasoning behind the cases. I saw how they inquire the lawyers the same way, giving each of them a hard time and tough questions. I made me think of a “devil’s advocate” by putting themselves in in their shoes and trying to see as many views as possible to come to their decision. It was also interesting to see that personal bias also played a role in their decisions, because their decisions were many times split. I always envisioned these judges to understand the constitution better than anyone else, and so a ruling should be at least 80% in one direction. I understand more now, how important the person sitting as a judge is, if they are conservative, or if they are a progressive, if they are a woman, black, gay, or another old white male. Walking away from this project, it reminded me again of how unfair congress was to Obama by stealing the judicial seat left open when Scalia died, because a republican president made the nomination. Though, perhaps the seat was filled by someone who thought more like Scalia. I understand how important their role is, and how we need to make sure that we fill more of those seats to reflect the melting-pot that the United States is, so that minority groups, such as the bisexual minorities, can be protected and have their voices heard, just like everyone else. This assignment has helped me improve my researching skills. I’ve had trouble finding articles in the past and navigating through different resources given to us, I have improved at this, though that was still my biggest struggle completing this assignment.